How To Be An Inspirational Leader

Dear Friend, 

You might agree, the world needs inspirational leaders right now. Are you one of them? Do you want to be? Then you’re in the right place.

Below is what I’ve learned from a lifetime of studying how to be an inspirational leader.

All my best, 


Being an Inspirational Leader

Create a compelling vision.

  1. First and foremost, great leaders have great visions that are exciting, compelling, and the really great ones make them mutually beneficial. (More on that below)

  2. Great leaders help others see and understand the vision.

  3. They describe it in mutually beneficial ways, how achieving it is exciting, rewarding, and fun for everyone involved.

  4. Great leaders involve their people in the process of evolving and executing the vision, giving their people stakes in the game, making them feel heard, a basic human need.

Become a great listener

  1. First, hear what your people are telling you. If they’re complaining, what are they really saying? I call this discerning listening- Your people (kids and employees) will tell you everything you need to know, if we just listen for it.

  2. Instead of judging what is heard or getting defensive, look at it from their point of view for a moment.

  3. If someone says something can’t be done, are they merely projecting their own insecurities about accomplishing what’s being asked of them?

  4. Or are they telling you the vision hasn’t been made sufficiently clear, or they haven’t heard how accomplishing it will benefit them. (You know this- We all think, “What’s in it for me.” I’m not stating that in a negative way.)

Lead By Example

  1. Great leaders demonstrate the change they want to see in their people.

  2. They are the first to pick up the broom, sit at the laptop and make a spreadsheet, or set up the time to hear what you have to share.

  3. They set the stage for greatness by being authentic, human, and at times, vulnerable.

Surround Yourself With Great People

  1. I learned this from my high school football coach- Surround yourself with great people and great things will happen for you.

  2. We are the sum of the 5 people we associate with most. So choose wisely ;-).

  3. We can’t choose our family, but we can choose how to interact with them.

  4. Sometimes we can choose our team, but when we can’t, it’s a leader’s responsibility to help them find their strengths. (That goes back to listening)

Consistently Take Action

  1. Everyday do something toward the vision.

  2. Whether it’s a phone call, email, or check off of a simple to do item.

  3. Dedicate workouts to thinking about achieving your goals. The mind/body releases powerful chemicals during workouts that we can use to manifest our vision.

  4. Choose meals for the energy they will give you for accomplishing your goals.

Stay Laser Focused

  1. Great leaders don’t let anyone or anything distract them from their goal/s.

  2. They limit social media, news, and politics so they can get into the zone, where their best work happens.

  3. They reframe everything to benefit the vision, but not at the expense of their people. This is where discerning listening comes in.

And finally, great leaders inspire their people to want to follow/work/be with them.

Talk with Peter

If you’re motivated, and ready to be your best personally and professionally, schedule a time to talk.

About Peter Kofitsas MS, PT


“Peter delivered what was by far the best one-hour presentation that our audience has ever seen. Full of energy, entertainment and mind-altering knowledge, he helped set the stage for all of us to rethink our daily habits.  His session may honestly be the best I’ve ever attended, the perfect blend of knowledge and showmanship! He conducted a health and wellness session during our Mazda USA’s Northeast Region 2023 Field Meeting.  Peter’s presentation was informative, enlightening, and entertaining.  He used examples that resonated with all attendees and provided information we could all use in our everyday lives. He is an excellent speaker who got the audience engaged and excited.”  

Deb Eliopoulos, Manager, Regional Marketing, Mazda North American Operations


Peter Kofitsas MS, PT is a Speaker, Author, International Life & Health Coach, Culinary Nutritionist, Physical Therapist, Food/Restaurant Consultant, and former Scholarship Football Athlete.  He’s also been called, “The Missing Link” in employee wellbeing.  As an expert for the media, he has appeared on ABC, FOX, MSN, TLC, and in Fitness magazine. He’s the author of 3 books, including, Shop, Cook, Eat.  He’s also the creator of the 5 Minutes to Fitness+ Program, a revolutionary lifestyle program for achieving optimal health which has been featured on QVC and FOX. He’’s been helping companies assist their employees in being healthier and finding balance during the Covid- 19 pandemic.


  • Nutrition Degree, Magna Cum Laude, Montclair State University

  • Physical Therapy degree, Master of  Science, New York Medical College

  • College Lecturer- nutrition, exercise, physical therapy, kinesiology

  • Creator- 5 Minutes to Fitness+, Fit Friends’ Revolution

  • Author; Shop, Cook, Eat, Core Energy Program, & Live Better Journal

  • Food/Restaurant  Consultant- Hospitality Training, Sustainable Menu Design, Recipe Development

Client List / Appearances

GE • Goldman Sachs •  KPMG • Verizon • Metropolitan Museum of Art • Sony • UPS • Quest Diagnostics • Whole Foods • Louis Vuitton • Moët Hennessy • Working Mother • Kellari Group • Serafina Group • China Grill Management • Union Square Hospitality Group • The Episcopal Church • St Barnabas Health Care Systems • HDMS • Grocery Haulers • NY Staffing Assoc • Assoc of Health Care Recruiters

Partial Client List