3 Success Secrets, Plus A Confession
Dear Friend,
Before I share three success secrets, a confession.
If I graphed my success based on my bank account, it would look like a roller coaster ride 🎢 -more downs than ups.
So that’s not the type of success this post is about.
It’s more about looking in the mirror and liking what you see, passion in your relationships, energy to do what you love, and having some fun along the way.
Truthfully, when I wore a younger man’s clothes I thought money, a house, cars, gym memberships, all the things my parents didn’t have or give me, would make me feel successful. Having attained those things, I learned I was misguided.
Fast forward to a recent conversation with one of my daughters…
Sitting on a comfortable couch on my brother’s deck, overlooking a sun bathed yard, my daughter observed, “Dad, you really seem happy.”
Having not thought about it before, pausing for a moment to reflect, I answered, “Yes, honey, I am.”
“Even though you just lost your job, and are not sure about money right now?”
When my children ask me a question I want to give them an honest answer. So I paused again, thinking about how I was feeling at that moment, then said, “Yes, honey, I really am happy. Even though I’ve lost 80% of my income over the past 4 years, I’m the most content I’ve felt in years, maybe ever.
“How’s that possible?”
“By reverse engineered my life, truthfully, out of necessity because the last 4 years have been so crazy.”
“How did you do that?”
“I have focused all of my thoughts on the three most important things in my life- the people I love, my health, and my purpose.”
“So what happened.”
“Well, I’ve never been closer to all three of my children, as well as my mother, brother, and sister. I’ve been in a loving relationship for 5 years. I have a great relationship with your mother. I’m healthy, feel strong, don’t hate what I see in the mirror, and have come to appreciate simple moments like this, sitting on the couch with you, your brother and sister nearby.”
“How do you not let money or other life stuff get to you?”
“I’m not perfect, but I do my best when my mind strays to bills and other distractions by refocusing on what I just shared, and doing three things everyday.”
“What three things?”
Read below the 3 things you and I can do everyday to feel successful, no matter what’s happening in the world. If I think about it, I can’t control people, the government, traffic, or the weather, but I can control what follows, making those other things less powerful.
All my best,
Peter ❤️
P.S. I’ve discovered this- by doing the following things, you and I can connect to our best selves. Some call that a higher power, purpose, God, or whatever makes sense for you.
3 Ways To Be Succesful
- 80/20 Rule
I have found if I eat well just 80% of the time, I can look and feel great, then go a little crazy the remaining 20%. Cooking more often than not makes this easier.
Here’s how it works: (Remember, successful people are willing to do things unsuccessful people are not. That’s not judgement, just observation.)
Weekday- One cup of black, organic, mold free coffee, cup of bone broth. Fruit and fermented foods (pickle, sauerkraut) for breakfast or fast until lunch. Salad or veggies for lunch, then animal protein and more veg for dinner. Limited alcohol until end of week/weekend, or special occasion.
Weekends- Fast through breakfast, coffee, bone broth then fermented foods lunchtime, indulge at dinner, including cocktails, wine, and perhaps dessert ;-)
You don’t have to eat like me. Find your own formula for eating success. But, these simple strategies have helped me maintain my weight for 30 years without having to deprive or starve myself.
Don’t believe me? Check out my SM. It’s mostly food & fun :-)
exercise- build Muscle
Not bulky, ungainly muscle, but sleek, toned, powerful muscle.
How- 5 times a week do a circuit workout with body weight, resistance bands, and/or weights.
Why? Building muscle is the fountain of youth for the body; the more muscle, the better health.
Building muscle in a circuit raises heart rate, getting your cardiovascular benefit in.
The secret- think about who and what you love when exercising. Avoid SM, email, shows, etc.
I’ve stayed in the best physical shape of my life by doing a variation of a simple, yet powerful 20 min workout for 24 years. If you’re going to exercise, and have limited time, build muscle for the health benefit. Not bulky, ungainly muscle, but sleek, toned, sexy muscle.
How- Do a circuit workout 5 times per week with body weight, resistance bands, and/or weights.
Why? Building muscle is the fountain of youth for the body; the more muscle = testosterone, growth hormone, metabolism, mental/heart health, lower blood sugar, mood, self esteem.
Building muscle in a circuit raises heart rate, getting your cardiovascular benefit in. The secret- Think about who and what you love when exercising. Avoid SM, email, shows, etc.
I’ve stayed in the best physical shape of my life by doing a variation of a simple, yet powerful 20 min workout for 24 years.
For decades I’ve been encouraging clients, patients, and audiences, pay attention to what you think about most.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character.” Bhagavad Gita
It’s extremely encouraging that we can change the quality of our life by changing the quality of our thoughts.
What’s one thought you can change right now to improve your life?
Ironically, by changing thoughts, you’re more likely to eat better and exercise ;-).
Hang with awesome people!
My high school football coach taught us, “Surround yourself with good people, and goods things will happen for you.”
I’ve hosted 20 Friends & Family Tables since 2020, bringing together people who want the best for themselves and their families.
My life has changed because of it. Through my guests I have learned humility, perseverance, and love.
If you find my healthletters/posts helpful,
Can I Ask For Your Help?
After attending one of my health presentations you probably know my mission is to share with others how they can improve their lives, specifically by controlling anxiety, losing weight, increasing energy, sleeping better, and improving intimacy.
If you’re interested in any of those worthy goals for yourself, and perhaps your colleagues/team/group, please forward this message to someone that can set up a life changing presentation. It’s usually employee benefits, human resources, or business administrators, or someone that get’s it. If I think about it, the worst they can say is no thank you. But if they say yes, then you and I have done some good in a world that can use it.
I can’t thank you enough for helping me reach and help others by forwarding this email/post (there’s a testimonial and flyer below to make it easy for you).
If there is anything I can do for you and your family, please do not hesitate to reach out, even for a sincere conversation.
All My Best,
Peter ❤️
Dear Peter, Here's your testimonial, which I was more than happy to write because you made me look great in front of my team and bosses. Thank you for an amazing event!"
"Peter delivered what was by far the best one-hour presentation that our audience has ever seen. Full of energy, entertainment and mind-altering knowledge, he helped set the stage for all of us to rethink our daily habits. His session may honestly be the best I’ve ever attended, the perfect blend of knowledge and showmanship! He conducted a health and wellness session during our Mazda USA’s Northeast Region 2023 Field Meeting. Peter’s presentation was informative, enlightening, and entertaining. He used examples that resonated with all attendees and provided information we could all use in our everyday lives. He is an excellent speaker who got the audience engaged and excited.
Deb Eliopoulos, Manager, Regional Marketing Mazda North American OperationsSource
About Peter Kofitsas MS, PT
Peter Kofitsas MS, PT is a Speaker, Author, International Life & Health Coach, Culinary Nutritionist, Physical Therapist, Food/Restaurant Consultant, and former Scholarship Football Athlete. He’s also been called, “The Missing Link” in employee wellbeing. As an expert for the media, he has appeared on ABC, FOX, MSN, TLC, and in Fitness magazine. He’s the author of 3 books, including, Shop, Cook, Eat. He’s also the creator of the 5 Minutes to Fitness+ Program, a revolutionary lifestyle program for achieving optimal health which has been featured on QVC and FOX. He’’s been helping companies assist their employees in being healthier and finding balance during the Covid- 19 pandemic.
Nutrition Degree, Magna Cum Laude, Montclair State University
Physical Therapy degree, Master of Science, New York Medical College
College Lecturer- nutrition, exercise, physical therapy, kinesiology
Creator- 5 Minutes to Fitness+, Fit Friends’ Revolution
Author; Shop, Cook, Eat, Core Energy Program, & Live Better Journal
Food/Restaurant Consultant- Hospitality Training, Sustainable Menu Design, Recipe Development
Client List / Appearances
GE • Goldman Sachs • KPMG • Verizon • Metropolitan Museum of Art • Sony • UPS • Quest Diagnostics • Whole Foods • Louis Vuitton • Moët Hennessy • Working Mother • Kellari Group • Serafina Group • China Grill Management • Union Square Hospitality Group • The Episcopal Church • St Barnabas Health Care Systems • HDMS • Grocery Haulers • NY Staffing Assoc • Assoc of Health Care Recruiters