My Top Posts for You July

You’re Not Alone

When I started releasing my memoir prologue (link below), I never expected the supportive feedback I’ve received. It taught me, I’m not alone (and, I’m not crazy :-) and that has comforted me. Not that I want anyone else to struggle- It’s just that it’s helpful to know others experience anxiety, fear, and at times, depression and hopelessness. I want to thank them for contacting me. They do so mostly privately, and I respect that privacy. I have made new authentic friendships that I value, and they help me grow. So, if you’re feeling stuck, please know that I do to at times, and that we’re not alone. Feel free to send me a message. Together, we can support each other through our worst times, and celebrate our best times :-) Sending you support. Memoir link- #help #hope #together #notalone #love #friends #family #healthcoach #speaker @peterkofitsas #author #selfhelp #memoir

Want to Eat Healthier on Vacation?

Want to eat healthier on vacation? First of all, yes, you can :-). Plan ahead- look up restaurants In the area you’ll be and make a mental note of their healthier items (think grilled veggies & salads with small amounts of protein). If you have access to a grill, do what I did on a recent trip to Sag Harbor, NY; marinate veggies in vinegar, mustard, olive, salt and any herbs and spices you like, grill, then snap them into some Tupperware and take to the beach. Enjoy how good you’ll feel when you wake the next morning feeling slimmer :-).

Let It Go- Part 2

As I wrote my memoir (Perfect Peter (and why I hated him)- link below) many well meaning friends and family encouraged me to “Let it go,” meaning, don’t dwell on the past, it will only pull you down. My therapist said, letting go of the past is not like putting a heavy suitcase down that you’ve been carrying for years and walking away, saying, "I’m done with you. I don’t want you anymore." He said it’s more complicated than that. Believe me, I’ve tried for over 40 years to drop that suitcase and run, and if it were that easy I would have been happier years ago, and so would many of my friends and family. For me, I had to go back, not to blame, but to understand. Then I could forgive, and love. Today I can say I am much happier and less angry, judgmental and resentful. I’m more able to be present with the people I love, like my children, and have more fun with them. I hope that helps you like it did me. If you’d like to talk, I’ll listen. For me, the first step was finding a good therapist. I could not heal on my own, no matter how many books I read, seminars I went to, and willpower I mustered up. If you’d like to read about my journey in the prologue of my memoir, here it is- #memoir #perfectpeter #familydysfunction #mentalhealth #happiness #healing #recovery #12steps #therapy #speaker #author #healthcoach @peterkofitsas

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Cardio or Resistance First?

Cardio or Resistance First? I’m often asked this by my health coaching clients. My recommendation- Resistance first. Use your muscles stored energy to build more muscle. Why? The more muscle you and I have, the healthier we are. I’m not talking bodybuilder muscle. I’m talking sleek, sexy muscle that increases our metabolism, protects us from injury, allows us to be engaged in life, and let me be honest, helps us look good in clothes (or without ;-). Pressed for time and can only do one? As a physical therapist and nutritionist, I say do resistance training in a circuit. Contact me for more info on how to transform your body in 20 minutes a day. #healthcoach #cardio #resistance #exercise #health #workouts #healthspeaker #author @peterkofitsas #nutritionist #physicaltherapist

Negative Thinking

I thought I was a positive person until I started listened to a daily meditation a friend sent me (link below). That’s when I realized 80% - 90% of my thoughts were negative; ie worrying about college tuition, taking my car into the shop, worrying I’m not doing enough for my kids, etc. When I entertain these thoughts they take me down a dark hole where hope, inspiration, creativity and love can’t grow from. What to do? When a friend recommended a daily meditation, (It happens to be Wayne Dyer (link below), but it could be any inspiring music, program, or mantra, repeated over and over) I gently demanding my mind think about what and who I love, what I want to bring more of into my life, nurturing my creative side. I also put a small smile on my face. That changes brain chemistry. Yes, we have to train our brain to think happier. When I do that I see a hopeful future full with the people I love, doing what I love- writing, cooking, eating, speaking, exercising, connected with old and new friends, and spending time with my kids.I hope that helps you like it has me. Let me know how you direct your mind toward love and happiness. Here’s the Wayne Dyer clipped that helped me change my thinking. #happiness #manifesting #meditation #mindfullness @waynedyer #negativethinking #motivation #stressrelief #healthcoach #author #speaker @peterkofitsas

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A Great Summer Read

A great read by the pool or on the beach, #thelostboysofmontauk took me 2 1/2 days to read, only because I had to eventually stop to eat and sleep, while away for a long weekend.
Not only did author @amandamfairbanks write compellingly about a gripping tragedy, she went deeper, exploring what brought four boys and their families together. Knowing what it is to lose someone tragically, my love and support goes out to the surviving family members. I admire a writer who gets their hands dirty by writing, respectfully, about the family dysfunction that lies just under the surface of most tragedies. I recommend this book to anyone that loves non-fiction that reads like fiction, and enjoys the behind the scenes, like what motivated the author to write. Oh, and my friend @evamastroly introduced me to @scoutandcellar where I got this great white wine in a can, perfect for enjoying a good book on the beach! Enjoy both! #reading #books #beach @peterkofitsas #sagharbor #loss #familydysfunction #greatbooks

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