Exercising while sitting? Yes, it's here :-)

Hi Friend,

How are you doing? I hope you and your family are safe. Please let me know if I can help you increase your immunity, decrease your stress, and help you get motivated to take care of your self and those you love. You have a power inside of you that may just be waiting underneath the surface for you to acknowledge. That power is known as the True Self, (or Inner Child). Nurturing the True Self with good food, physical activity and self love is the best way to let your true power shine, and protect yourself from this virus and many diseases.

I’m still working as a physical therapist part time and doing virtual wellness programs as a health coach for individuals and companies. My 3 children are home safe with their mother, and my own mother is safe at home, but still watching too much news. I prefer to fill my mind with the people and things I love most; my children, my friends, my patients/clients, and my work (however I can get it done to stay connected to my purpose). I meditate daily, exercise, eat well, drink tea, take supplements, listen to empowering audio books and podcasts, and surround myself with people I love through texts, facetime, social media, email, and phone calls.

Please let me know if I can help you and your organization/employees/colleagues stay healthy by increasing your immunity, decreasing stress and alleviating pain. Follow this link to lean more. Virtual Wellness Programs.

Earlier I spoke about connecting to the power inside of you. One way to physically do it is to activate your core. The video will help you do that anywhere, anytime, even sitting :-) Try it. I think you’ll be pleased with how such a simple act can help you become empowered by strengthening your foundation (core).

Let me know what you think.

Alone we struggle, together we conquer,

All my best,

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