Getting stiff sitting around? Try these whole body stretches

Whole Body Stretches

I hope you and your family are safe, and if you’re home, taking care of yourselves as we ride out this temporary situation. I remind my children, friends and clients; eating right, exercising, stretching, and using stress reducing strategies empower us, thereby making us feel less like victims and less out of control.

Whole Body Stretches

“Is that as far as you can get?” my friend laughed when I showed her how tight my hamstrings are. My hands were only at my shins as I bent over, straining, trying to reach the floor. I’ve been stretching for at least 20 years, since graduating from physical therapy school. I can’t say I’ve gotten much more flexible, but, I haven’t gotten any tighter, and that’s worth it. Every year, if we don’t exercise or stretch, we lose muscle and flexibility, eventually fossilizing, as a colleague once described her aging joints and ligaments.

Now that you may find your self stuck at home, this is a great time to start stretching, gently. As always, check with your health professional before starting a health program (please make sure your health professional practices good health). Start slowly, and stretch until you feel a strong pull, not pain. Pain means you went too far. Stretch every day for best results. I stretch after every workout, holding each stretch for 30 seconds.

Good luck, stay healthy, safe, and hopeful.

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With Gratitude,

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Peter Kofitsas4 Comments