How Gale lost 41 pounds. But more importantly...

Gale is so genuine, I’ll let her speak for herself. I think you’ll fall in love with her sincerity, like I did. (Not because she praises me, but because she asked for help. That takes courage)

“I have lost 41 pounds. I thank God for Peter, he has so much compassion he truly cares and wants to see us succeed. I need a whole new! My journey is not over but I know I can do this with God on my side and good people like Peter.”

Gale’s full story is here. And below, learn how you can succeed, lose weight like Gale, and feel better about yourself.

Hi Peter,
Thank you so much for everything. I've been battling with my weight all my life. One diet after another pills, fads you name it I've tried it to no avail. I remember in 1995 I was up to 285lbs. As time went on I got down to 255 and stayed there for a while. I was diagnosed as pre diabetic and borderline high blood pressure. Then a light went off, I refused to go on meds. My Dr said she would give me a chance to work on it for a few months. I realized I was addicted to food. I ate when I was sad or when I was happy. I would gorge myself then feel guilty. All I know I was not happy, and developed arthritis in my knees, back and hip pain. I said Lord I just retired now I'm falling apart. I did minimal exercise because now I hurt.

I started talking to Peter who encouraged me with my physical therapy. The exercise he gave me I can now do at home and Wow it's really working. He told me he is Nutritionist, Health Coach, as well as a Physical Therapist. I hit the jackpot! I joined his program. It has taught me it's not only about the weight but dealing with anxiety/stress. BP has been great, no longer pre diabetic. Eating healthier doing the 5 minute work out, reading labels, great meal recipes. With God giving me the strength and Peter to encourage me and not beating me up I have accomplished alot. From Nov - July I have lost 41 pounds. My church started a weight lost challenge Feb - Jun and I won. I went from 239-212. I am now 197, my goal is 185.
Thank you

Here’s how Gale, and others, changed their lives:

Your Healthiest Life


What 12 week group health coaching program live or online, to teach you everything you need to know to live your healthiest life

Includes Nutrition, exercise, cooking, motivation, pain prevention, stress/anxiety strategies, and longevity secrets

When At your convenience through email, live podcasts, videos, recipes, and more.

Where Live at Davis Integrated Medicine in Montclair, NJ, or virtually, in the comfort of your home or office

What’s Special About This Program? 6 live/virtual group health coaching sessions with Peter

Is This For Me? If on a scale of 1-10 on a motivational level, you are at an 8 or above, this is right for you.

Requirements There is only one; your willingness to change and be your best


I lost 60 pounds doing Peter’s 12 week program, Your Healthiest Life. I hated how I looked in a video and decided to join. I’m so glad I did. Losing the 60 pounds was simple, but not easy. The answers were right in front of my face, but I couldn’t see them. I needed Peter’s health coaching and program to help me. I recommend Your Healthiest Life to anyone that wants to lose weight and change their life.

Carlos 51

Peter’s programs introduced me to a world of health that was unknown to me. I used his coaching and the results are amazing.   I dropped 2 pant sizes and people comment on my muscle tone all the time and they cannot believe I don’t lift weights. I have never felt better and just completed my second triathlon!  I used to suffer from knee and back pain and now I’m pain free.  I have more energy than ever and have much more control of my health! I look forward to working out and find it exciting! I can honestly say that I am in the best shape and health of my life. Thanks Peter!
Jane, 47

More affordable

12 weeks of coaching with Peter would cost you $3000.

You pay only $37.50/wk for 12 weeks, plus you get workouts, recipes, videos, nutrition tips, and more.

If you think this is the right time, you’re right.

I hope you decide to join us. Keep in mind, I only take 10 people because I like everyone to get great care, and it’s first come first serve.

With Gratitude,
