My Top Posts for You

My 5 Best Exercises

My 5 Best Exercises

Simple, fast, effective, these exercises have kept me strong, fit, and pain free for 21 years! I learned them when I was a physical therapy student and have been doing them since, 20 minutes per day, 5 times per week. Remember my friend, regarding exercise, do cardio if you love it, but if you want the most bang for the buck, build muscle!, muscle!, muscle! #exercise #stronger #fit #healthy #cardiovsresistance #healthcoach #speaker @peterkofitsas #muscle #workout

The Hole Inside

My whole life I’ve tried to fill a hole. First with food, then with success. Both didn’t work. Shortly, through my memoir and podcast I’ll share how I am healing the hole. Till then, I just want to let you know, if you feel a hole, you’re not alone. For me, knowing I’m not alone with my struggles gives me comfort, and motivates me to help myself, and others, by sharing. Stay tuned for info about my new podcast- Perfect Peter (And why I hated him) Filling the hole inside.

#memoir #mentalhealth #familydysfunction #therapy #healthcoach #speaker #author #helping #love #fillingthehole #happiness #recovery #motivation

Green tea- Why it’s good for your Body, & mind

Good news! Not only is green tea good for your health, full of antioxidants that may help fight cancer, diabetes, and improve brain function, it also makes your subconscious mind healthier. Let me explain- You walk into a Starbucks, and instead of ordering The Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino at 520 calories, you say, “Green tea please.” Not only did you save 520 calories, you reminded your subconscious mind, no matter where you are, you care about your mind and body. The healthiest people in the world are not perfect; they splurge, but 80% of the time, they just make these small statements with their choices, resulting in great health. You’re welcome :-) Enjoy your tea.

#greentea #starbucks #healthier #speaker #healthcoach @peterkofitsas #antioxidants #healthychoices

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How Dot get Healthier

Two knee replacements later, Dot has lost weight, regained her strength, and walks her dog daily, sometimes for 2 miles! I admire her determination. She did it by asking for help from her physical therapist and health coach (me:-), chiropractor, doctor, family and friends. It takes a team to be healthy. Please ask for help if you are struggling. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of love and caring. I’m proud to call Dot my friend.

#physicaltherapy #chiropractor, @davisintegratedmedicine @drdavis #kneesurgery #weightloss #healthy #speaker #healthcoach #friends

Favorite At Home Fitness Gadget @ikonfitness

Here’s one of my favorite home fitness gadgets- @Ikonfitness removable pull-up bar. Pull ups and chin ups, even assisted, are some of the best exercises. It's easy to install, versatile, and when consistently used, shows amazing results. If you can’t do a pull up, just hang for 3 seconds, and do it 3 times daily. You never know what your body can do unless you try it!
#workout #fitness #healthcoach #peterkofitsas #health #lifestyle #gym #follow #exercise @ikonfitness

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Recipe- Chili glazed Salmon

Pan Seared, Chili Glazed Salmon. Always start with wild salmon. Sear in super hot pan, 1 minute each side. Drizzle generously with chili sauce, then blast in 450 degree oven for 6 to 8 minutes, thicker = longer. My daughters, “Dad, this recipe is so easy!” I used combo: sweet chili sauce and Frank’s red hot chili sauce. Enjoy! #wildsalmonrecipe #wildsalmon #recipe #healthycooking #healthcoach #healthspeaker @peterkofitsas #franksredhotchilisauce

What you won’t hear on social media

Often things aren’t as they appear. The more people I speak with on a personal level, the more I hear about their depression, worries, and fears, and I also admit mine. I hope that gives you some comfort- you are not alone. My personal mental/physical health plan- eat clean, stay active, deal w stress, talk w therapist, work my 12 step program, see my health care team, stay connected to like minded friends/mentors. And remember, you're awesome. Someone has to tell you :-)
#mentalhealth #depression #anxiety #healthy #therapy #healthcoach #healthspeaker #speaker @peterkofitsas #stressmanagement #happpiness #friends

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