Yoga Breathing To Decrease Stress
Watch as celebrity Yoga Instructor, Kristin McGee, shows me how to breath when I’m stressed. It’s called Ujjayi Breath (pronounced oo-jai). When we shot this video one of my biggest stressors was, is my shirt too small?. My stressors have changed, but the breathing still works :-)
Here are the benefits and technique from the Chopra Center.
Ujjayi has a balancing influence on the entire cardiorespiratory system, releases feelings of irritation and frustration, and helps calm the mind and body. With Ujjayi, there are so many benefits, providing good value for a simple practice. Here are a few benefits you may enjoy as a result of practicing the Ujjayi breath:
Benefits of Ujjayi Breathing
Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood
Builds internal body heat
Relieves tension
Encourages free flow of prana
Regulates blood pressure
Helps yoga practitioner to maintain a rhythm while they practice
Builds energy
Detoxifies mind and body
Increases feelings of presence, self-awareness, and meditative qualities
How to Perform Ujjayi Breath
Seal your lips and start to breath in and out through your nose.
Take an inhalation through your nose that is slightly deeper than normal. Exhale slowly through your nose while constricting the muscles in the back of your throat.
I hope you found that helpful during this stressful time. I’ve been continually reminded during this pandemic, when I’m stressed, if I take positive action, like focusing on my breathing, calling someone I care about, or eating healthy, then I feel less stressed. I can’t think my way out of stress. I have to act my way out using healthy strategies.
If you’re stressed and would like help getting through it, please reach out to someone you trust, or a health professional, or me. I’d be happy to help in any way I can.