Mount Carmel Guild Academy

Life & Health Coaching Strategies For Health, Happiness, Purpose & Fulfillment


Peter Kofitsas MS, PT

And The Davis Integrated Wellness Team



I hope you find these strategies helpful. Please subscribe below to stay in touch and scroll down for a free screening at Davis Integrated Medicine.


Sixty percent of teachers say they experience job-related stress frequently or always.

High levels of job-related stress affect more than 9 in 10 elementary school teachers, according to new research.


Stress & Anxiety

  • Stress is a response to external factors- Stressors: Family, work, traffic, health, finances, etc.

  • Anxiety is a reaction to stress; it’s internal, typically characterized by a persistent feeling of apprehension or dread- anxiety, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    • Anxiety is related to childhood trauma

      • “Trauma is not what happens to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you” Dr Gabor Mate


Stress Strategies

  1. Identify that you are experiencing stress. Being present/mindful helps us identify what we are experiencing. This is helpful to being, or staying present, modulating the fight or flight activation and response.

  2. Identify the emotions and feelings you’re experiencing: Emotions (conscious or unconscious): Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, grief, resentment, jealousy. Feelings (conscious interpretations of emotions): inferiority, low self worth, self-doubt. The process of labeling emotions can help keep us present/mindful/aware.

  3. Dig Deeper. Identify what’s really going on. What can this mean, or ask, “ That’s one way to look at it. What’s another way?" (Re-framing). Are you really angry or are you hurt that someone didn’t return your call, making you question your confidence or competence? Getting to the real emotion (digging deeper), and reason behind it, can be a powerful insight into what’s really affecting you, and in turn, those around you.

  4. Instead of reacting, act. Be an actor (true self), not a reactor (false self/victim). Listen, acknowledge, then take action toward a solution. Connect with another through empathy, leave the room for a moment, breath, make a phone call, plan a meeting to clear things up, do a search for solutions on the web, try a workout, or eat an energizing meal. Action distracts the mind from feeling negative emotions, (ruminating), or feeling like a victim. Action empowers.

  5. Set boundaries. When possible separate with love from family, friends, co-workers, etc, or disengage from the situation. Identify what you will and will not accept in your life. Identify the negative emotions that may arise as a result; guilt, resentment, self-doubt, etc. Explore where those emotions come from with a therapists, life-coach, mentor, trusted friend.

Stress & Anxiety Resources

  • Food- See below

  • Exercise- Yoga, walk, hike, run, swim

  • Better sleep- Read, meditate, pray. Shut off technology, news, & social media.

  • Breathing- deep, gentle, diaphragmatic/abdominal inhalation and exhalation

  • Smile- changes brain chemistry. Cannot experience two emotions at same time

  • Acupuncture

  • Meditation- YouTube, apps (Head Space, Calm)

  • Prayer/spirituality

  • Healthy relationships

  • Music

  • Massage

  • Tai Chi

  • Limit chronic news watching, social media scrolling, negative people/family,

Naturally Decreasing Stress & Boosting Immunity


  1. Fruit- Citrus, Berries (organic), Apples, Pears, Papaya, Mango

  2. Vegetables- Red Peppers, Broccoli, Garlic, Spinach, Dandelion, Chard

  3. Animal protein- Fermented Cheese (Feta, Pecorino), Grass Fed Beef, Wild Shrimp, Organic Chicken/Eggs

  4. Fermented/Probiotic- Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Yogurt, Miso, Tempeh, Kombucha, Pickles, sourdough

  5. Teas/Spices- Echinacea, Ginger, Turmeric, Mint, Mountain Tea, Citrus


  • Supplements- Multi-vitamin mineral, echinacea, astragalus, Vit C, Vit D, Manuka Honey, Ashwaghanda

  • Limit Alcohol, Caffeine, Simple Sugars, Processed Foods, Additives, Preservatives, Hormones, Antibiotics, GMO’s


  • Cardio-Resistance Training Combo (Circuit) (Whole body training)

    • 5 Best exercises- Squat, Lunge, Push, Pull, Diagonals

  • 3-5 x per week

  • 20 minute minimum

  • HR 60-70% max

  • Mindfulness/Be Present- No social media, text, email, news, or sabotaging thoughts


  • Vision- What do you want?

  • Purpose- Why do you want it?

  • Consistency- How can you stay focused

  • Accountability- Who will keep you honest?

  • Team- Who can help you?

Assemble Your Health Team

You don’t have to try to get healthy alone. Asking for help is a sign of willingness, not weakness. Please make certain the health experts you work with practice what they preach.

  • Functional Medicine Practitioner- This can be an MD, DO, Naturopath, Nurse Practitioner, Chiropractor

  • Physical Therapist

  • Chiropractor

  • Acupuncturist

  • Nutritionist

  • Herbalist

  • Massage Therapist

  • Psychotherapist

  • Life and/or Health Coach

Other Resources

If you’re struggling, you’re not alone. Don’t give up. Try these resources

  • Find & talk with a therapist you trust

  • Consider a 12 step programs. ACA Adult Children Of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families can help

  • Find & talk with a mentor, coach, trusted friend who won’t judge, will listen, and may have experience with what you’re your struggling with.

  • Gabor Mate’s work on childhood trauma has been helpful to me and many others around the world.

Connect With Peter

Recipe & Podcast

Recipe- Chicken Milanese: My Way

Podcast- Tired? Anxious? Not Sure What's Wrong? Try Hitting Bottom, Like This: Waking From The Fire, Ep 8

Come visit us at

Davis Integrated Medicine

Montclair, NJ

We would love to help you, your group, team, employees, club, people be healthier. How? In honor of Dr Davis’ dream to, “Help as many people as possible become healthy and well through natural methods,” we’d love to let you know about a life-enhancing, educational, interactive presentation that will help you and your people be healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Call or email us now to learn how to take learn more about this exciting offer, and let’s partner together to keep Dr Davis’ dream alive, to serve the community, and “Live Life Well.”


Tuesdays 10am - 2pm, 3pm - 6pm

THursdays 10am - 2pm, 3pm - 6pm

Special offer for You!

Free 15 minute chiropractic, physical therapy Screening

With Dr Sackey, Chiropractic Physician, or Peter Kofitsas, Physical Therapist

Free 10 minute massage

With licensed massage therapist Tiffany Stewart

Come visit us! We are open and continuing to serve the Montclair and surrounding communities, dedicated to continuing Dr. Davis’ 40 year mission.

We Look Forward To Seeing You At The Office

Book Your Complimentary Session

Or Call


All my best, and I hope you stay in touch. I’d love to hear from you!
