Peter Kofitsas

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Tired? Bloated? Unmotivated? Know you were meant for more? Try this today.

“Surround yourself with good people, and great things will happen to you.”

I know you’re awesome whether we’ve met or not. How do I know? Because I’ve learned we all have some special talent or gift that may be lying dormant or long forgotten, at times desperately trying to come out into the light. I needed the people I love the most: my children, friends, patients, and clients to help me uncover mine. It taught me, I can’t be my best self on my own; I needed others to guide and support me. Then when I eat and train my mind and body a certain way, that fuels and guarantees my success. Ironically, the weight loss is a bonus.

“Alone, we can struggle. Together we can thrive.”

For 30 years I’ve observed people trying diets, joining gyms, and spending $1000’s of dollars trying to look and feel better, losing weight, then 95% of the time, gaining it back. I’ve also seen some of the people I care about slowly deteriorate over the years, getting diseases and losing the ability to do the things they love. That doesn’t have to happen to you.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about how to get healthy in the media that can distract us from the simple, powerful strategies that can change our lives forever. That’s why I tried to make my 12 week health coaching program as simple and affordable as possible. I want us to work together. For $37.50/week x 12 weeks, I’ll share everything I’ve learned over 30 years of healthy living. If you think you’re ready to look and feel great, you’re right. I’ll walk (run, or crawl) with you, every step of the way. But please hurry, we start this Saturday March 7th.

The great news is, if you cannot attend live in Montclair, NJ, you can join us virtually. I’ll send you the details when you sign up. Just follow the link below to join or learn more, and you and I will work together to be our best!

If my program is not right for you right now, I understand. try this to motivate yourself.

Write down the 5 words that describe you best. (Mine = Kind, Loving, Friendly, Successful, Determined) Now practice and nurture them everyday, never losing sight of what makes you unique. When you are your best self, you can help those you care about most in your life. Never give up my friend because you do have something special to offer this world. Please remember, asking for help is a sign of courage, not weakness.

Your friend,
