Peter Kofitsas

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How Carlos lost 60 pounds, and kept it off

Hi Friend,

I know being healthy is not just about losing weight, but I post weight loss success stories because it gets people’s attention. Then, hopefully, they will join my program, or another beneficial program, and work together to live the healthiest, happiest life possible. I’ve learned; alone we can struggle, together we succeed. That’s what happened to Carlos. Here’s what he said:

Carlos: “I was watching a family video and was surprised at how I looked. On the video, I looked much bigger than I thought I was, and that bothered me. I knew I had to change. That’s when I decided to join Peter’s program, Your Healthiest Life. I’m so glad I did. I lost 60 pounds, and have kept it off for one year.

I learned losing the 60 pounds was simple, but not easy. The answers were right in front of my face, but I couldn’t see them. I needed Peter’s program and coaching to help me. I recommend his program to anyone that wants to lose weight and change their life.”

When I met Carlos, I knew he was ready to change. He hated how he looked, and wanted to feel better. Like many of us, he had lost weight but put it back on, had some knowledge about eating healthier, and that he should exercise more, but just couldn’t get himself to follow through. He needed a coach, accountability, and support from a group.

I created Your Healthiest Life, Health Coaching Program to help people like Carlos who have tried to lose weight and be healthier, but struggle on their own. I was one of them when I was 65 pounds overweight. Some of the strategies Carlos learned from my program that changed his life where simple; like how to choose healthier lunches at work and night time snacks, and how to exercise in a few minutes a day to tone up and look good. He also learned powerful psychological strategies too; like mindful eating, emotional triggers, and stress reduction; some of the reasons 95% of diets fail.

He and his wife Marylin also learned how to shop healthier for the week, and prepare delicious foods like my “dirty bowl”, during the cooking coaching session. He also learned how to be accountable, and that made a huge difference. Carlos kept the weight off because he learned effective strategies he uses daily, and is accountable to his family, and his coach.

If you’re frustrated, but willing to change, you may want to join Carlos, me and others. More below.

Join Us! We Start 3/7

Hurry, 4 spots left.

Your Healthiest Life

What 12 week group health coaching program live or online, to teach you everything you need to know to live your healthiest life

Includes Nutrition, exercise, cooking, motivation, pain prevention, stress/anxiety strategies, and longevity secrets

When At your convenience through email, live podcasts, videos, recipes, and more.

Where Live at Davis Integrated Medicine in Montclair, NJ, or virtually, in the comfort of your home or office

What’s Special About This Program? 6 live/virtual group health coaching sessions with Peter

Is This For Me? If on a scale of 1-10 on a motivational level, you are at an 8 or above, this is right for you.

Requirements There is only one; your willingness to change and be your best

More affordable

12 weeks of coaching with Peter would cost you $̶𝟹̶𝟶̶𝟶̶𝟶̶

You pay only $37.50/wk for 12 weeks, plus you get workouts, recipes, videos, nutrition tips, and more.

If you think this is the right time, you’re right.

I hope you decide to join us. Keep in mind, I only take 10 people because I like everyone to get great care, and it’s first come first serve.

With Gratitude,
